Saturday, May 10, 2008

Inkheart: Thankfully a Happy Ending

I read this book for Carl's Once Upon a Time Challenge and because I felt the pressure to read it before the movie came out. I have promised to take Annie to all movies based upon books that she has read. The movie was supposed to be out in late April, but has since been postponed. But, on with the book review...

Inkheart is a wonderful story about a genetic predisposition to read characters out of books when reading out loud. Basically, a man, Mo, can cause characters from books to come to life and appear before him. His daughter discovers that she has the same ability. To summarize this long and wonderful story, Mo is reading a book called Inkheart to his toddler daughter, and several bad guys come out of the story along with one complex firebreathing, juggling, "carnie" type guy named Dustfinger. As these characters appeared, Mo's wife disappeared into the book. The bad guys are really bad, and they want Mo to read a friend of theirs out of the story. Mo spends approximately a decade running from these guys, who in case I didn't say, are REALLY bad, before they finally get him and his daughter along with an Aunt. We book lovers definitely relate to Mo's family, especially the Aunt, as they are all major book lovers. I was really hoping for justice to happen in this book...I really wanted a happy ending, and thankfully, all ended well. For the most part...

This is a great story and I now see why my wife and daughter encouraged me to read it. It was also mentioned to me that once I read this book, I would need to read the next book in the series called Inkspell. I definitely will do that. Right now, I'm reading a Brian Jaques book for Annie's What's in a Name Challenge, but rest assured that I will get to Inkspell soon, as well as any other books written by Cornelia Funke. I have loved all of her books thus far.